Minerva's Web is scored for an ensemble of ten musicians at one piano plucking the strings or bowing them with loops of material. The effect is somewhat like slowly evolving waves of a giant harp at times and like the smoother waves of an electronic synthesizer. There are also many exciting rhythmic pulses. In all, this richly harmonic and tonal music is appealing with its surprising "celestial" and joyously rhythmic textures. The title refers to Ovid's tale (in the "Metamorphoses", Book VI) the weaving contest between the goddess Minerva and the mortal Arachne, and also refers to the web-like layout of piano strings and the arrangement of the ideas ("indices") in the composition. The Tears of Niobe is scored for an ensemble of 10 musicians at one piano plucking the strings or bowing them with loops of material. The effect is somewhat like slowly evolving waves of a giant harp at times and like the smoother waves of an electronic synthesizer. There are also many exciting rhythmic textures. In all, this richly harmonic and tonal music is appealing with its surprising "celestial" and joyously rhythmic textures.
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