Jim Nollman: Music for Swimming and Flying [DIGITAL DOWNLOAD]

Other Minds is excited to present an album of previously unreleased works by Jim Nollman that lifts listeners off the ground into a unique sound world all its own.

The pieces on Music for Swimming and Flying are a mix of compositions involving live musical collaboration between dolphins and orcas featuring Jim Nollman on guitar, mandolin, and a variety of sampled animal sounds to create wildly kaleidoscopic soundscapes.

Jim Nollman (born 1947, Boston) is a composer of music for theater, a conceptual artist, and an environmental activist. He graduated from Tufts University in 1969. In 1973, he composed a Thanksgiving Day radio piece and recorded himself singing children’s songs with three hundred turkeys. He has recorded interspecies music with various other animals. He has released several albums on Folkways Records, including Playing Music with Animals: Interspecies Communication of Jim Nollman with 300 Turkeys, 12 Wolves and 20 Orcas. Nollman directed one of Greenpeace’s first overseas projects at Iki Island, Japan, where fishermen were slaughtering dolphins to compensate for human overfishing. In 1978, Nollman founded Interspecies, which sponsors artists’ efforts to communicate with animals through music and art. Its best-known project is a twenty-five-year study using live music to interact with wild orcas off the west coast of Canada.

Click here to read an April 29, 2022 interview with Jim Nollman in Front about his 1982 release Playing Music with Animals.

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